Alliance Bible Church

Where Faith Meets Purpose

Worship Every Sunday At 9:30 AM

Alliance Bible Church

Alliance Bible Church of Prescott, AZ is a local congregation of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, sharing the vision to see
All of Jesus for All the World

If Interested, Please fill out the information below:

What’s Happening at ABC

  • Sign Up for Snack Time

    Reminder to sign-up to bring Sunday morning snacks in April

  • Men's Prayer

    Mondays at 9:00 am
    Meets in the Fellowship Hall

    Third Monday of the Month, we meet at New Song Recovery Home at 8:00 a.m

  • Men studying the Bible

    Men's Bible Study

    Tuesdays 6:00-7:30PM

    Meets in the Fellowship Hall

    First Tuesday of the month is co-ed Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Women studying the Bible

    Women's Evening Bible Study

    Tuesdays 6:00-7:30PM

    Join us in the Church Office.

    First Tuesday of the month is co-ed Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Woman studying the Bible

    Women's Thursday Bible Study

    Thursdays 1:00-3:00PM

    Join us Thursday Afternoons in the Fellowship Hall

  • Young people in fellowship

    Teen Bible Study

    Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00PM

    Meets at the Heineman’s

  • Alliance Stamp Ministry

    The Alliance Stamp Ministry since 1972 has been raising funds to spread the gospel. Our Nancy Koski has been processing postage stamps for years from ABC Prescott members. Stamp drop-off is on the wall next to the office door. For instructions ask Nancy.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(928) 776-1549